We’re going to keep the blog short and sweet this week with 3 ideas to improve your finances over this long, Labor Day weekend:

  1. Check your credit report – it’s amazing how many times incorrect or bad data is provided by one of the financial companies you work with to the credit bureaus.  All three of the credit bureaus are required to provide you with a copy of your credit report for free annually and we recommend spacing them out over the course of a year.  You can access the free reports at this link: www.annualcreditreport.com.  Due to the financial uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, you are now able to access weekly reports of your credit through this website through April 2021.
  2. Review your budget – summer can be a challenging time for your spending plan with the kids out of school and possibly taking some family vacations. Take a few minutes this weekend to review your spending over the last few months and dial your budget back in so you can achieve your savings and investment goals before year end.
  3. The holidays are coming quickly – I don’t know about you, but if you’re like me, you always spend a bit more over the holidays. Buying gifts for loved ones, traveling to see them, or just paying that utility bill for all the lights we string up on the house all come with a cost. Spend a few minutes to look back at what you spend last year and start setting aside that money now. It’s always better to plan ahead rather than putting it on a credit card and it costing even more.

Happy Labor Day!